April 26, 2010

i'm sick...

ahhh, feeling sick!

until i'm better

check out simian mobile disco

i love this video, ahh the eyes

April 20, 2010

Plant life

I've been looking at bay trees for outside the church and my own home. I came across these Laurus Nobilis Helix a type of bay tree. I think the are very cute and romantic, i like the way there are two trunks intertwining tres symbolic for the day. Some nice ribbon and viola! but yeah, they are expensive, and shopping around will be undertaken!

hopefully i can find two nice pots to match too!

Benefit Cosmetics

So I got a parcel in the post today, excluding the customs fee I was delighted. I've put alot of weight on lately due to an bothersome under active thyroid and some medication i'm taking. I point blank refuse to spend money on clothes until i've shed the pounds or dare i say it stones!! However i can't completely not indulge in a lil retail therapy and love love beauty and cosmetics products. It's a bit of an obsession.... le sigh.

I love Benefit for the quirky packaging and innovative products, tres chic! I always buy directly from BenefitCosmetics.com as it way too expensive to buy in Ireland beauty departments. i let a squeal upon delivery, the post man must of thought me awfully silly! here is what i got, so kitsch!

I will post some reviews when i've experimented adequately.... 

Check this website out!!

This website called Mr.doob is so much fun... if you've an hour or two to kill you will be amazed, thrilled and super happy! For sure! a good friend emailed me the link and I've been doodling happily since! now make no mistake i cannot draw for *insert swear word* but i had fun taking the "pencil for a walk"

thank their mums and dads for the wicked computer programmer!  I did basic computer programming in college and found it so hard so yes, bless their cotton socks!

April 16, 2010

reason #1 why I love future hubby

He draws cute pictures on his €7 slip-ons from Dunnes Stores and especially as he writes my name on things. I reckon he could make some sweet kicks for our wedding day for himself and his groomsmen.

Meeting Photographer

So as future hubby and I are going to Sligo this weekend we are checking out a local photographer, Mark Capilitan. I really like his work and he seems like a really nice guy (he accommodated meeting us Sunday morning even though he has weddings Friday, Saturday and an engagement shoot on Sunday), i'm looking forward to meeting him. He is really reasonably priced and offers an engagement shoot as part of his package; wicked!! As an added bonus he himself is getting married in Castle Dargan this coming September where we have booked our wedding!!! This has me tres excited as he'll know where to get the good shots! anyhoos here is  some of his work from his facebook page that i particularly liked .... enjoy!